Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Filming Day 2


Day 2 of filming. This was the last day we could get the shots for the music video. We picked up the camera and tripod up at 10:00am because we couldn't use the location until 11:00am. We didn't have much left to film as we did most of it yesterday. When we arrived at the location, we found the local vintage shop was now open so we asked if we could take photographs for our project. The man who owned the shop let us photograph the items and pointed out things we could use for the vintage style video. Then Aimee arrived so we could start filming again. We were worried we would run out of footage to fit the song, so we decided to film her singing the whole song in different areas of the living room so that we could edit and use it in parts we might have missed out on. We filmed her sat on the sofa singing to the camera straight on then we filmed above and over her shoulder while she was singing. Then we has her sat in a chair singing the song. This was so we could have more variety to the video. The stop motion of the pearls falling off the table, which we filmed yesterday didn't look good so we decided to re film them shots. The last 2 shots were taken of Aimee spinning round on an island in the middle of the road with cars going past all around her. We thought this would look really different and in the style of Kate Nash music videos because it combines her fun carefree style and also reality of the real world. As we got all of our filming done, we finished the day early at 3:00pm.

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