Thursday, 15 December 2011

Audience Response- Music Video

Collected response from the audience for the music video:

From this response, we found that most people enjoyed the video and everybody thought the video matches Kate Nash's music video style. The most common favourite things about the video are the locations, costumes and how much it represents Kate's style. Each person gave a different response on how to improve the video,  "the beginning is a bit jumpy", we agreed with this one even when we were editing the video unfortunately with the programme we were using we couldn't make the edited cuts any less blunt. Another improvement suggest we agree with is "could make the spinning faster so it doesn't last as long", after publishing the video we realised the ending does last a bit longer than we would have liked, if we were to do this again we would change this and speed up the spinning. The majority of the people believe the video matches the lyrics of the song and that the actors we had chosen suited the part they were playing and matched the style of the video. Also most of the audience thought that the editing is in the style of Kate Nash's music videos.

Final Promotional Package

Front Cover:

Middle - CD:

Back - Cover:     

Side of Digipak 1:
Side Digipak 2:

Magazine Advert:


Our Kate Nash Music Video

The Music Video:

Response of audience through questionnaire:

Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Filming Day 2


Day 2 of filming. This was the last day we could get the shots for the music video. We picked up the camera and tripod up at 10:00am because we couldn't use the location until 11:00am. We didn't have much left to film as we did most of it yesterday. When we arrived at the location, we found the local vintage shop was now open so we asked if we could take photographs for our project. The man who owned the shop let us photograph the items and pointed out things we could use for the vintage style video. Then Aimee arrived so we could start filming again. We were worried we would run out of footage to fit the song, so we decided to film her singing the whole song in different areas of the living room so that we could edit and use it in parts we might have missed out on. We filmed her sat on the sofa singing to the camera straight on then we filmed above and over her shoulder while she was singing. Then we has her sat in a chair singing the song. This was so we could have more variety to the video. The stop motion of the pearls falling off the table, which we filmed yesterday didn't look good so we decided to re film them shots. The last 2 shots were taken of Aimee spinning round on an island in the middle of the road with cars going past all around her. We thought this would look really different and in the style of Kate Nash music videos because it combines her fun carefree style and also reality of the real world. As we got all of our filming done, we finished the day early at 3:00pm.

Filming Day 1


Day 1 of filming. Yesterday the girl and boy we had cast for the music video cancelled on us. So we had to find new people at last minute which was really stressful as many people did not want to be on camera or had other responsibilities. Luckily, Baibin from our group managed to get two of her friends to agree to being part of the video. The new girl in the music video is Aimee Sullivan and the new boy in the video is Reuban Jones. We asked Aimee to come to filming dressed in a vintage dress and curly hair and Reuban to come dressed in an Indie style with skinny jeans. We picked the camera and tripod up from college at 9:00am and went straight to the location. The day went really well and we managed to get most of the shots from the story board done, so we didn't have much to do on the second day. First we looked around the location we were using (Baibin's auntie's house) to find different vintage items that we could photograph and use on the digipak and magazine advert. Then we visited the charity shop where we bought some pearls, which we used to create the stop motion shots in the music video. After, we went to the local vintage shop to ask if we could take some photos of the items in there. Unfortunately it wasn't open and the light was reflecting on the window from the outside, so it wouldn't photograph clearly. When Aimee and Reuban arrived at 12 o'clock we walked down to Rowntrees Park where we started filming the first 6 shots of the music video. Next we went back to Baibin's Auntie's house to start filming the indoor scenes involving both Aimee and Reuban. We had to get all scene's with Reuban in them done because he had to be in college on the next day of filming so we couldn't use him. We mostly stuck to the storyboard but as we were filming, the cast had suggestions too and we found other ideas that would look good, so we adapted the storyboard. The day finished at 4:00pm so we could get the camera and tripod back to college for 4:30pm.

Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Plan For Magazine Advert

We created this version of the magazine advert with a cork board background because we liked the idea of a collage from her album cover "My Best Friend Is You". As it is a collage we thought it would look good with pins in the items to make it seem as if she has stuck them on herself. It would copy the digipak cover.

We created this alternative magazine advert, because we realised her album is called "Made Of Bricks" so we thought it would look better and make more sense with bricks in the background instead of cork board.  As we have decided to use the digipak with the brick design in the background we would also be using this magazine advert with the bricks in the background to match.

Monday, 7 November 2011

Plans For Digipak

Digipak Front Cover:
We designed this as the front cover for the digipak with a cork board background but after comparing it with another design using bricks as the background we realised the bricks looked better and matched the title of the album better.

Digipak Back:

We would have this design for the back of the digipak but with bricks in the background instead of the cork board.

Digipak Centre:

Other version of the front cover of digipak:
We chose this design of the digipak over the design with the cork board as it looks better and relates to the album title more.

Thursday, 20 October 2011

Permission for the song

We sent an email to the producer of Kate Nash's songs to ask him if we can use "Merry Happy", showing we are not going to use it to get money.

Monday, 17 October 2011

Flat Plans For Digipak

Front Cover:

Back Cover:

Shooting Schedule

Shot List

1. Midshot- Artist walking down the street towards the camera.
2. Midshot- Male character walking down the street towards the camera.
3. Long Shot- Side view to reveal the male character is walking behind the artist.
4. Long Shot- Shot from behind the cast to reveal the male character following the artist.
5. Midshot- Artist singing to the camera.      
6. Midshot- Guy catches eye of camera and looks down shyly.
7. Close up- Artists in mirror takes off necklace and places it on the table.
8. Long Shot- Several shots of pearls moving off the edge of the table.
9. Close up- Inside the bin with pearls and scrunched up ‘love you’ note. 
10. Midshot- Looking to the side and walks off singing to the camera.
11. POV Shot- Artist and male character making jelly babies dance.
12. Midshot- Shot reverse shot, POV of Artist then male character.
13.  Two Shot- Artist and male character side by side.
14.  Close up- Artists sat on her own in bedroom, zooms out- Long Shot.
15.  Mid close up- Artist looking out of window, shot of side of face.
16.  Close up- Artist singing to the camera.
17.  High angle- Artist and male character at dinner table.
18.  Over The Shoulder- Artists watching the scene= Flashback.
19.  POV- pictures on laptop screen.
20.  Midshot- Side view of artist on the phone.
21.  Midshot- Artist happily watering flowers.
22.  Close up- Artists singing to camera.
23.  Long shot- Artists stood without the male character at her side.
24.  Long Shot- Artists dance down the street.
25. Extreme Long Shot- Sunset.

Friday, 30 September 2011

Digipak Planning

Ideas for the digipak album.

Description of photography: A collage of different photos of vintage icons like birdcages, flowers, old watches etc... The collage will also include a mid shot photo of Kate Nash over the top of these icons. The pose will be girly, feminine, vintage and casual.

Reasons for choice of photography: Kate Nash's previous albums are either cartoon style with one large image or a collage of different pictures. We went against the idea of cartoon style because to make it look professional and like Kate's other album and her style it would be too hard to recreate. The idea of a collage to look like her 2nd album "My Best Friend Is You", would be easier to create but still look like an actual album that Kate has made. Also this would represent her fashion style (vintage) as well as her image.

Description of colour scheme: Use bright, girly colours, like orange, red, pink and yellow. The background of the cover will be white so that it contrasts with the colours, text and images and makes them stand out. Like the colour burst on the page.

Reasons for choice of colour scheme: Her album covers are bright and fun and represent the indie-pop genre.  Also it creates a vintage look witht he use of orange, pinks and reds.

Description of fonts: The style of the font will be handwritten and casual, but also creative. It will be black and Kate's name will be bigger than the album title.

Reasons for choice of fonts: All Kate Nash's albums have the same handwritten effect font, by using this font it will be recognisable, and shows it is related to the rest of her work. The artist name is always bigger than the album name because it is the artist's name that attracts the audience to the album. Then they look at the album name.

Description of layouts: The image of Kate Nash and the collage around her will be centralised. Kate's name will be at the top of the album cover and the album name will be at the bottom.  On the back of the digipak, there will be a centralised list of song names. In a simple layout that will be easy to read. On the side of the digipak there will be large images that fill the page, different camera angles of the artist and possibly some different locations.

Reasons for choice of layouts: The front and back cover of the digipak are the same style features as Kate Nash's previous album covers. As Kate Nash doesn't have digipaks, her albums don't have sides, instead we have decided to fill them will more artwork of her so that it would match the rest of the album and look like something she would use. The photos with the different camera angles are ideas that we think will fit the music genre from researching other artists.


The only bands that release their songs in a digipak are usually rock artists/ bands:

But from these examples of digipaks, the images used on the sides of it are photographs or images that represent the band.

Sunday, 25 September 2011

Music Video Planning

Description of performance:
The camera will track the girl's movements while she sings to the camera. Her singing is her performance. Also, fun dancing.
Doo Wah Doo-


Reasons for choices:
All of Kate Nash's music videos have performances as she always sings to the camera. In some of her videos she plays the piano/ keyboard like in "Mouthwash" but in all others she just sings.
Description of story:
The narrative of the story will be a recreation of the lyrics in the song. The camera will follow "Kate" as she is stalked by a guy that fancies her. Then he doesn't stick around so she decides she can be fine on her own and she doesn't need him.

Reasons for choices:
In all of Kate Nash's other music videos, the lyrics have a narrative and the video is a recreation of the lyrics. It doesn't follow the lyrics constantly, but if it did then it wouldn't be easy to watch. For example, in "Foundations" it is like she is acting out the story of the lyrics.

Description of locations:
1st verse is located in a street/ park, the camera films her and the guy following her as she walks down the street. The 2nd verse is located in the girl's bedroom, it is a vintage style bedroom and the camera films her as she sings into the mirror. On the verse where it starts "sitting in restaurants" the location will be inside a living room at a table, it will be filmed inside and on a projector. At the end of the verse "chatting on the phone" the location will be in a garden or somewhere where flowers are so that the girl can water them with her vintage style watering can. The last verse "I can watch a sunset on my own" the location will be the the same street/ park as in the 1st verse. We will use realistic locations.

Reasons for locations:
A lot of other Kate Nash music videos contain realistic, natural locations like "Foundations", "Later On" and "Kiss That Grrrl" Whereas, other videos like "Pumpkin Soup" and "Doo Wah Doo" have a more unrealistic and in the case of "Pumpkin Soup" cartoon style video.
Pumpkin Soup:

Description of characters including costumes:
Girl (Kate): Feminine, girly vintage dresses (various) Flowery dresses, flat pumps, black heels and bright and colourful socks. Curly hair, bright colours on her outfit. She will have a casual bubbly personality that has a hint of sarcasm.
Boy(Admirer): Skinny jeans, checked shirt, casual shirt or plain jumper. Geeky black glasses. He will be all cheesy and loved up and have a romantic personality- at the beginning of the song. Same costume but without the geeky black glasses in the end, he has a cocky attitude and thinks he is amazing.

Reasons for choices: 
Girl (Kate): Kate Nash has a vintage girly dress style, in some of her videos she is wearing a dress (Mouthwash, Pumpkin Soup, Foundations). She is always wearing bright colours, if not she is wearing sparkly outfits (Mouthwash, Kiss That Grrrl). Kate's personality is bubbly and fun but she has a sarcastic side like when she says "Yeah intelligent input darling, why don't you just have another beer then" in "Foundations".
Boy (Admirer): The style of the guy represents the storyline and character of him. Also a lot of Kate's videos have a guy in them. The only video that doesn't contain a guy is "Mouthwash". As this is Indie-Pop style music, the characters in the video have to have an indie style, this is why the boy will be dressed in skinny jeans and a checked shirt/ casual shirt. His attitude in the video will represent how he is supposed to be in the video.
 Guy in Foundations, wearing skinny jeans and plain jumper.
Kate Nash in Mouthwash wearing vintage flowery girly dress.

Description of performers:
There are sometimes background dancers, but there isn't much of a routine, there is just a narrative. The main performer is the girl (Kate) as she is the one that will be singing.
Reasons for choices: The only video Kate Nash has done where she has any other performance apart from singing is in "Mouthwash" where she is playing piano in certain parts of the video. In all other videos she has done she just sings whilst the camera follows her about. On some of her videos (Doo Wah Doo and Mouthwash) Kate has background dancers, but their routine isn't too complicated. It is more about the song than the dancing. As her songs lyrics have a narrative, the video recreates them, which is why we will be doing this for our video. Kate has used background dancers in two of her videos "Mouthwash" and "Pumpkin Soup", we have chosen not to use background dancers in our video because Kate Nash usually has them dressed up in elaborate costumes (Mouthwash- robots) and (Pumpkin Soup- cats). This would be too difficult to get the costumes and the people to dress up in them.
Pumpkin Soup:
Later on:
 Kate Singing