Ideas for the digipak album.
Description of photography: A collage of different photos of vintage icons like birdcages, flowers, old watches etc... The collage will also include a mid shot photo of Kate Nash over the top of these icons. The pose will be girly, feminine, vintage and casual.
Reasons for choice of photography: Kate Nash's previous albums are either cartoon style with one large image or a collage of different pictures. We went against the idea of cartoon style because to make it look professional and like Kate's other album and her style it would be too hard to recreate. The idea of a collage to look like her 2nd album "My Best Friend Is You", would be easier to create but still look like an actual album that Kate has made. Also this would represent her fashion style (vintage) as well as her image.
Description of colour scheme: Use bright, girly colours, like orange, red, pink and yellow. The background of the cover will be white so that it contrasts with the colours, text and images and makes them stand out. Like the colour burst on the page.
Reasons for choice of colour scheme: Her album covers are bright and fun and represent the indie-pop genre. Also it creates a vintage look witht he use of orange, pinks and reds.
Description of fonts: The style of the font will be handwritten and casual, but also creative. It will be black and Kate's name will be bigger than the album title.
Reasons for choice of fonts: All Kate Nash's albums have the same handwritten effect font, by using this font it will be recognisable, and shows it is related to the rest of her work. The artist name is always bigger than the album name because it is the artist's name that attracts the audience to the album. Then they look at the album name.
Description of layouts: The image of Kate Nash and the collage around her will be centralised. Kate's name will be at the top of the album cover and the album name will be at the bottom. On the back of the digipak, there will be a centralised list of song names. In a simple layout that will be easy to read. On the side of the digipak there will be large images that fill the page, different camera angles of the artist and possibly some different locations.
Reasons for choice of layouts: The front and back cover of the digipak are the same style features as Kate Nash's previous album covers. As Kate Nash doesn't have digipaks, her albums don't have sides, instead we have decided to fill them will more artwork of her so that it would match the rest of the album and look like something she would use. The photos with the different camera angles are ideas that we think will fit the music genre from researching other artists.
The only bands that release their songs in a digipak are usually rock artists/ bands:
But from these examples of digipaks, the images used on the sides of it are photographs or images that represent the band.
Good work. Same comments as before. Lots more images, either of the albums you talk about or images similar to those which you hope to produce.