Thursday, 15 September 2011

A2 Music Videos

Other songs by Kate Nash remade by students:
We also looked at these video's made by other A2 Media students for Kate Nash songs as we wanted to see how they interpreted her style, and what we could add to ours.

We didn't like this video because of the use of location. It's not a location Kate Nash would use and isn't her style. They also film some people doing dance in a studio which Kate Nash wouldn't do. If she was going to use dance performance she would have them dancing around her. Also the style of clothes the cast were wearing were not Indie and not what Kate would wear. We did like the narrative of the video as it relates to the lyrics but doesn't follow them all the time and how when she blows up the balloon it has the word "babe" on it like it is growing.

The song they have chosen is really slow, so its slightly boring to watch.  She seems to have filmed it herself as you can sometimes see her hand holding it, and it doesn't look professional. She hasn't thought about her locations because in one part it just seems like a normal plain bedroom whereas Kate wouldn't have anything plain as that isn't her style. The girl in the video is also not putting much effort into singing. This is an example of the type of video we would not want to create.

1 comment:

  1. Put this with your other research and talk about how it relates to your own project. What did you learn from looking at this?
